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Magical Midicholorian Malarkey

Why explaining magic in novels / movies / etc. is typically, bullshit.

I’m not exactly entirely sure how I was inspired to write a post about this. Perhaps it’s something that’s been stewing in my head since those disastrous STAR WARS prequels made their way into my life a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Or maybe it was because a friend of mine on twitter happened to say she hopes I get struck by lightning to gain some inspiration. Maybe that “magical” bolt of lightning was the inspiration.

Or maybe it’s just my extreme frustration as a nerd.

Now the point of this “nerd rant” is to discuss the true purpose behind introducing the source of a magic. Is this something that should be attempted, or something that should be left to the imagination of the reader? Has there ever been a time when the explanation of magic has even been, how can I put it, NOT CRAP?

Allow me to bring forward exhibit ‘A’ in my rant, and something that has caused foul language to spew forth from my mouth like the aftermath of three day old sushi binge fest.

What….the…F*#!@ is a MIDICHLORIAN? In all seriousness, did we NEED an explanation as to what the origination of the force is, and how a JEDI acquires such power. Was it really necessary to elaborate on Obi-Wan’s brilliant description of the force? Were people NOT content on the below?
“The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” – Obi Wan
To me, there is nothing wrong with that. It’s straight to the point, and describes the force EXACTLY as how it should be. Do we need any more explanation or understanding as to what this mystical energy is? When I watched the Star Wars movies for the first time, I never questioned this. The force was, what it was. A MAGICAL ENERGY. 
But, the brilliantly absurd Mr. George Lucas decided to take it one step further. And what step was that? Why, this of course.
What are midi-chlorians?” – Anakin
“Midi-chlorians are a microscopic life form that resides within all living cells.” – Qui-Gon Jinn
Well, now that’s just lovely. Now instead of it just being a mystical energy, anyone who has the force has weird critters living in them allowing them to shoot lightning from their finger tips and force push people off cliffs. THANKS, CRAZY AMOEBAS! Seriously – was this necessary? Did this expand the universe, or just make it take a right turn into the crap heap?
On another note, did Obi-Wan not learn about midi-chlorians? Or did he just forget due to old age to tell Luke what the force really was. Or maybe he realized that Qui-Gon and the rest of the Jedi council were smoking a little bit too much of Yoda’s Dagobah weed. Who knows, but really George Lucas has an issue with continuity.
And don’t get me started on immaculate conception of Anakin Skywalker. That’s a whole new rant. *growls*
Jumping into hyperspace and out of the STAR WARS universe, let’s tackle some of the other universes where magic exists. First stop, the world of TOLKIEN.
Tolkien’s magic is your cut and dry, black and white, fantasy magic. Or magik. Or magick. Or however you spell it. Is there anything wrong with this? No. Does he go on to explain where magic comes from in this world? No, not really. Because magic in the tolkien universe is a given. Even in his novels when he starts discussing the nature of magic, he doesn’t stray far from just saying “it’s just there.” Sure he may bring up the ability to harness nature, or control elements, but does he ever say “Oh Gandalf has magic powers because his hat is imbued with tiny little organisms that control nature by use of repelling magnetic fields and by going off the periodic table of elements to combine elements through nuclear fusion.” 
Obviously I’m not that bright when it comes to science.
But here’s my point – there was never need for a retarded explanation of the source of magic in Tolkiens world. Well, not an explanation that is like George Lucas’ midi-chloriwhatthefuck. It’s a given. It’s a fantasy world. There’s magic. Done.
JK Rowling never had to explain where magic came from in Harry Potter. It was just there. And people accepted it. Why did people have magic powers? They were born with special abilities. That’s all. Once again. People accepted it.
I don’t want to go on too much longer with this rant, but I just wanted to bring up a few questions to those who may stumble upon this blog.
1) Do you feel its necessary to explain the origin of MAGIC in your works? 
2) Can you think of any novels / movies / etc. where they do good job of actually explaining the source of MAGIC in their world?
I may add on to this post, to discuss about some video games that do a “decent” job of describing magic. Since I can think of a few. But I didn’t wan to go too crazy.
Thus concludes my nerd rant.


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The Writers Voice UPDATE – Round 2 approaching, and a little reflection

Somehow through sheer luck I managed to squeak into the second round of The Writers Voice. I felt like an NHL draft pick and was selected to fill the last spot on TEAM BRENDA (which, in my own opinion, is the most killer of the four teams). The team is of course lead by the fantastic Brenda Drake, author of the upcoming LIBRARY JUMPERS! (check her out here –>

As we speak, Team Brenda and her coffee fanatics are in the process of revising our first 250 and our query letters to ensure that our team stands out above the others in the upcoming AGENT ROUND. This starts at the end of next week, but this upcoming Monday is when all of our revised entries will be put up on each coaches respective blogs. 

But regardless of what happens in the nerve wracking agent round, I’ve already come out with a few valuable lessons learned.

1) I am lucky to be part of such an amazing writing community. The other writers I met during The Writers Voice lotto round are people I’m probably going to be connected with for years to come. Each of us have the same goal in mind and we can all relate on one thing that not many people can. We are all striving to be writers. Striving to have our work shown to the world. We’re a passionate bunch, but beyond that, we’re understanding and fully supportive of one another. I can safely say, this is my biggest reward coming out of this contest.

So here is just a small shout out to all of those that I am now twitter pals with from TWV. And I’m crossing my fingers that each one of us moves on to the next part of our writing journey.

2) After the feedback received, it’s been a huge boost in my “writers morale.” I can’t say my morale was really down – I mean I have had some positive feedback on COPERNICUS NERDICUS, but the everything that has been said to me the last few weeks has been inspiring. It really makes me believe that I am on the right path as a writer. Even if COPERNICUS NERDICUS doesn’t make it to shelves (but by god, I hope it does.), I at least know that writing is in my future. Not only that, I’m confident that one day I’ll snag that agent who wants to represent me and my whacky ideas. Good ideas, but whacky nonetheless. I enjoy writing too much, and I have too many stories to tell otherwise.

Speaking of which, I’ve hit the 35k mark in my WIP (Which i actually breezed through months faster than Copernicus…and I have to say…I’m loving every page even in the first draft. Can’t wait to start editing.)

Back to my point – I think I’m on to something. Writing is in my future. And I think being published might be too. But…my fingers remain crossed. It’s a rough road, and I’m in it for the long haul.

3) Networking is KEY. You can’t do this alone. You may think you can, but you can’t. Every person you talk to, every conference you go to, meet people. Talk to people. Relate to people. You never know where a connection might take you. Open up. Jump at an opportunity to befriend someone who is attempting the – not impossible – becoming a writer.

4) Query letters are still evil – that’s all I am going to say. I hate them. But thanks to the glorious revision efforts of Brenda, my query is quite a bit stronger. Can’t wait to test the waters with it after TWV.

5) Never lose your voice. It is the most important part of your book. I don’t care if you have to revise every line in your manuscript. DO – NOT – LOSE – YOUR – VOICE!! It took me months to find mine. And now that I did, I have that sucker locked up in a cage and hanging from my belt loop. He’s now my prisoner. scary thought, but I can’t lose the little guy lol.

Well, that’s all for now. Time to go back to reading some of the awesome entries in TWV, and prep myself mentally for the upcoming week. For those of you who are in TWV, good luck next week. We’re all a bunch of kick arse writers, and we’ll definitely make it some day. 

As for everyone else, I say the same thing to you. Never give up. Keep trying. One day – it’ll happen. 

Stay strong writers.


BTW – Don’t forget #PITMAD is coming!


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The Writers Voice Entry – COPERNICUS NERDICUS

First off – I just want to say thank you to the fantabulous coaches as well as everyone else involved for putting together this competition. What a great way for newbies like us to get some exposure! Thank you, and good luck to all the other contestants! It’s going to be awesome.

And my reaction to surviving the lotto? Well I drew my MC’s reaction.


Without further adieu, here is my Writers Voice entry for COPERNICUS NERDICUS :


Dear Coaches,

Thirteen-year old gamer, Copernicus ‘Nic’ Wilhelm, has one chance to win fifty thousand dollars to buy back his dad’s laboratory from the devious inventor, Geoffrey Zorn; The Digital Zone video game tournament. However, when Geoffrey Zorn unveils a new virtual gaming console called EVO to be used in the finals, Nic only has a week to master a futuristic robotic fighting game.

Easy enough for Nic, that is, until the game fights back.

When EVO transforms into a short-circuiting attack robot, the term video game realism takes on a whole new meaning. With the help of his friends, Nic re-programs the rampaging robot, but that turns out to be the least of his worries. EVO was also installed with a brainwashing microchip by the vile criminal organization, C.O.R.E (Coalition of Rogue Evildoers) with the sole purpose of kidnapping tournament contestants, including Nic’s best friend, and transforming them into pilots for an army of kid-controlled robots straight from the game. Nic needs to put his gaming skills, and his new robot’s brawn to the test, and break into C.O.R.E’s hidden mall base to rescue his classmates.

Nic, joined by his friends and new robot ally, pummels his way through C.O.R.E troops using everything from stink bombs to slime cannons. Meanwhile, a fleet of robotic drones is preparing to invade. Nic is in a race against time to put a stop to the video game mind control device, and ensure the tournament goes on, before his gamer guile and robot’s battery, runs out.

COPERNICUS NERDICUS is a 54,000 word middle-grade adventure novel with series potential.  It targets readers who are gamers at heart by bringing to life video game elements while combining the hilariously action packed pages of Michael Buckley’s NERDS series, with the mystery solving adventure of Chad Morris’s CRAGBRIDGE HALL : THE INVENTORS SECRET.

First 250:

The Digital Zone tournament room was starting to feel like the inside of a nuclear reactor, and a sickening feeling lurked in my gut. After rolling up the sleeves on my hooded sweatshirt, I wiped my clammy palms against my shorts and picked up the video game controller from the metal stand in front of me.

“I hope you’re ready to get your butt kicked, Nerd!” my arch rival, Eugene, cackled from his gaming station.

“That’s what you think.” I glared.

At the opposite end of the arena, the Digital Zone store manager, Mr. Smiggons, leaned out from the announcer’s booth. He was stocky and pretty much completely bald, but made up for it with a bristly beard that hung over his Digital Zone work shirt.

“All right kiddos, who’s ready for the video game match of the century?” Mr. Smiggons shouted over the loudspeaker. He waved his arms wildly, and the crowd responded with a booming applause that shook the stands.

“Now that’s what I like to hear, so let’s get this match underway! Contestants, to your stations!”

Keep it together, Nic. It’s only one match.

But it wasn’t any match. If I won, I would be guaranteed a spot in the finals with a chance to win the grand prize of fifty thousand dollars. Fifty thousand dollars that could help my dad buy back his lab before it was sold to that no good inventor, Geoffrey Zorn.

There was one problem. I had to beat his son first.


Good luck everyone!



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Query – far from perfect, but it’s working…

Surprisingly enough I have been getting some tweet messages asking about my query letter. I’ve been getting some pretty good success with it (this is…version #…uh…372 if I’m keeping count correctly). But here’s the thing, this query letter is FAR FAR from perfect.

In fact, I downright hate it sometimes.

But it’s been working for me, so I’ve kept using it. Some people may say it’s too long, some people may say it’s too wordy, but I think when it comes down to it, agents look at a query letter much like they look at your novel. With subjectivity. Key word in the industry right? SUBJECTIVE. One agent reads my query, loves it, requests material. Awesome. Another agent doesn’t get past the first sentence. I can’t control it.

Regardless, I do actually enjoy writing query letters. I posted on twitter the other day that I actually write my query letter for a WIP before I even start working on it. Technically I go query letter, outline, then draft 1. I’ll make a post about my writing process another time.

Anyway, I’m pulling a ballsy move here and posting up my query letter for all of you who actually glimpse at my blog. Feel free to rip it apart, comment how you want. Everyone has their own method to their query letter madness.

So Enjoy, my first “legit” query letter for COPERNICUS NERDICUS (side note, this is reflective of my up to date R&R that I sent out)



(insert some personalized lingo here if applicable – references, contests, twitter, conferences, etc)

Thirteen-year old gamer, Copernicus ‘Nic’ Wilhelm, has one chance to win fifty thousand dollars in order to prevent his dad’s laboratory from being bought by the devious inventor, Geoffrey Zorn; The Digital Zone video game tournament. However, once Geoffrey Zorn unveils a new virtual gaming console called EVO to be used in the finals, Nic only has a week to master a futuristic robotic fighting game.

Easy enough for Nic, that is, until the game fights back.

When EVO transforms into a short-circuiting attack robot, the term video game realism takes on a whole new meaning. With the help of his friends, Nic re-programs the rampaging robot, but it turns out to be the least of his worries. EVO was installed with a brainwashing microchip by the vile criminal organization, C.O.R.E (Coalition of Rogue Evildoers) with the sole purpose of kidnapping tournament contestants, including Nic’s best friend, and transforming them into pilots for an army of kid-controlled robots straight out of the game. Since the local police have been turned into mind-controlled, segway-riding, mall security guards, Nic must put his gaming skills and his new robot’s brawn to the test, and break into C.O.R.E’s hidden mall base to rescue his classmates.

Nic, joined by his friends and new robot ally, pummels his way through C.O.R.E troops using everything from stink bombs to slime cannons. Meanwhile, a fleet of robotic drones is preparing to invade. Nic is in a race against time to put a stop to the video game mind control device, and ensure the video game tournament goes on, before his gamer guile and robot’s battery, runs out.

COPERNICUS NERDICUS is a 54,000 word middle-grade, light sci-fi, adventure novel with series potential.  It targets readers who are gamers at heart by bringing to life video game elements while combining the hilariously action packed pages of Michael Buckley’s NERDS series, with the mystery solving adventure of Chad Morris’s CRAGBRIDGE HALL : THE INVENTORS SECRET.

As per your submission guidelines, I have included the (whatever they requested!)

Regardless of your decision, I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to consider my work.


Thomas Torre
(Contact info)

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It has been far too long, my friends.

Wow, I haven’t updated this blog in awhile. I’ve been too busy on twitter lately to focus on blogging. Not to mention a major manuscript rewrite I had to complete, as well as other chaotic events. So let’s catch up, shall we? I’m sure you’re all eager to hear about my writing journey. Okay, maybe most of you aren’t but I’d like to get this all down on paper so I can look back and reflect on all this.

So about a month or so ago, I was lucky enough to receive back to back full requests from query letters. Both of them from top prospects that I’ve been eyeballing since I put my first words on my query letter. This was right around the time, I was getting prepped for PAX EAST 2013. (more on that later). So off my full requests go, and thus begins another long wait for responses.

Note – these full requests came after a full rejection from another prospect. But, I should consider myself lucky. The rejections I have received have been kind, personalized and motivational. Each agent brings to note my strengths, and my weaknesses. One thing I am absolutely ecstatic about is that I have been told through each of my rejections that my voice is spot on. THANK GOD for that. Voice was something that absolutely killed me in the beginning of my writing process. Since my first pitch 6 months ago, my voice has developed a mind of its own that seeps out of my characters.

So I’m at PAX (i’ll have another post about PAX later, so just chill out. I know you all wanna hear about board games and such, and trust me. I am going to be posting A LOT about board games). Side tracked..sorry..ADD…anyway, I’m at PAX and I check my mail to notice a quick e-mail from an agent. An agent I had just sent my full MS off to a few days prior. Oh great, I thought. Here we go. Quick R.

Which it was, sort of. But attached to that R was an amazing bit of advice. I had to re-read it a few times just to decipher it, but sure enough, the suggestions given were no doubt in my mind meant to improve my MS. Unfortunately, that would mean changing one of the major plot devices in my story. So a month after receiving the R, I’ve re-written and have been prepping to submit again. And I came out with a much stronger MS.

Will I get an offer from it? Who knows. One thing I do know, is that holy cow have I learned a lot about writing. I’ll say this, it’s my first attempt at pitching a book. I’ve done pretty well for myself as a first timer. I’ve gotten a decent amount of requests for additional material based on my query and sample pages, and I’ve gotten some amazing feedback from agents. Not to mention invitations to send new work when I have it.

So until then, I wait for the right agent and I continue pitching (while anxiously awaiting responses from my current full pendings…). Also, I’ve started two new books…yes 2. Why 2? Who knows, my brain is a loose cannon. One is 75% complete for a first draft. One is in the outline stages. Both of them, I feel anyway, have the potential to be even stronger than the one I’m pitching.

So I better get cracking – I have a lot of work to do. I hope to post again about PAX and board games later this weekend.

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Bad Query Contest

So I just took part in bad query contest on twitter (it’s still going on), with the wonderful agent Jessica Sinsheimer. 

If you wanna have a blast – go write yourself a crappy query and send it over. 

Here was mine – which got awarded best “terrible content, excellent sentences” lol –

Subject of e-mail : “Want to beat the bible in sales? Look no further because you just struck gold”

Dear *Insert Agent Name Here*,

Vampire Wizards? Done.
Zombie Romance? I wouldn’t be pitching my book if it didn’t have it.
A love triangle between dictators? Are you kidding me? OF COURSE THERE IS!
EPIC is a book of epic proportions. Complete at approximately 750,000 words (however this word count may increase once I actually finish the book) EPIC takes you on a roller coaster ride through the mind of a five year old boy trapped in the body of a seventy year old man. A man who has seen it all. A man, who has lived a life worth living. A man, who is alive.
We follow our main character, Jameson Stirfry, through a fantastical series of adventures which dictate his future. From the mind-altering surgery that saves his life, to his lustful love for the Queen of England. But little does Jameson Stirfry know, that it is not his life that he is leading, but the life of his alternate self in an alternate universe. Will their paths cross? Only time will tell in this tale of titillating tribulations. From the moment you read the first line, you will be begging for it to end. Because you just cant WAIT to find out what happens.
EPIC is my first novel, but I guarantee you it means nothing when you speak of success. Because that is what EPIC is. A guaranteed success. I can’t stress how important it is for you to sign this book. I’ve specifically chosen you out of a long list of potential agents, but I feel that you, *insert agent name here*, are the PERFECT choice to represent me. To be chosen by me, is no small feat in itself. In fact, I should be the one who agents should be querying.
As per your submission guidelines, I have included the full manuscript complete at 960,000 words, along with my bank account # and routing # so you may immediately deposit my advance. 
Thank you for signing me. Actually, no you should be thanking me.
All the best,
*insert author name here*
I mean, my name. Me. 
And where I live. You know. Contact stuff.

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Competitions and the joys of revisions

It’s been quite an eventful last week in the wonderful world of writing COPERNICUS NERDICUS.

I recently signed up for the CUPID LITERARY CONNECTION BLIND SPEED dating event. It’s an amazing competition where dozens of writers submit their query letter and their first 250 words. In the beginning rounds, writers critique on each others work and only move on to the next round if a bouncer (who are published or soon to be published authors of your genre), post “YOU’RE IN”.

It was a stressful week, constantly looking at the blog posts to see if any bouncers had posted yet. But, it was also an amazing opportunity to critique other works and get feedback in return. I can’t stress the importance of providing feedback for other people. Not only does it help them, but it also opens up your eyes to problems that may be occurring in your own novel.

I was lucky enough (and grateful) that I moved on to the AGENT ROUND at the end of February. This is where the real fun begins and agents will be checking out your query and first 250 and using “cupid arrows” to requests fulls and partials for your manuscript. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that week, but until then I have A LOT of work to do with my novel as it turns out.

I recently received my first 3 chapters edits and while my premise was enjoyed along with my voice, my plot moved too slow. Miss Snark was finally able to open up my eyes and force me to realize that I didn’t have much going on in terms of moving the story along in chapters 2 or 3, and they were pretty much wasteful chapters. It would never keep the attention of a MG reader. So, I’ve decided to do something drastic, but something that has already improved my book tenfold.

In the end, I’ve removed three chapters from my book. Three chapters, that really weren’t necessary and only provided some fluff and banter. While I originally had the intention of using these chapters for future world building, it doesn’t work in my novels current state. Instead, I’m going straight for the meat in my first three chapters. I now read each chapter, making sure its doing the job of moving the story forward. If not, I either re-write, merge it with another chapter, or remove it completely. It’ll be a tedious process, but I’ll be done after a few weeks.

And just in time for the agent round for CLCBSD

Yesterday was #pitmad on twitter. And for those of you who don’t know – its a chance to pitch your story to agents on twitter using just 140 characters. And you thought a query letter was hard. I held off on participating, mainly because I didn’t want to risk the fact that if an agent requested anything I would be in the middle of heavy revisions and wouldn’t be able to send my MS.

For now, I’ll wait until the end of march when PITCH MADNESS begins.

Too many competitions, too many revisions. Well, as long as I have my espresso, I’ll be okay.

Back to writing…..or back to partaking in some relaxing…but there’s little time to waste

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Another amazing bit of offering from Miss Snark

Authoress over at Miss Snark blog is now offering LINE EDITS for your first 3 chapters for only $70…that is an insane deal. And for those of you who don’t know, hiring an editor can run you up to around $10-$12 a page for a YA or MG book…now figure if thats 250 pages???? Yeah that’s a lot of money….

I just snagged the first spot for February, but hurry, she’s going fast!

Linking her again!

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Miss Snark Secret Agent Contest – January 2013

This will be a quick post out for whomever actually reads this blog (3 people? lol)

But if you stumble upon this blog within the next few hours, and you’re a fellow writer of MG or YA, be sure to check out the SECRET AGENT contest over by Miss Snark’s blog. 

All you need is the first 250 words of your COMPLETE manuscript. That’s it. 50 entries are randomly chosen, and of those 50, a few are selected by the secret agent. So if you have a complete MS, and are readily querying, get it out there!

Here’s the link (scroll to the bottom of the blog for rules)

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